Love the concept of seeing the deleted parts as a secret between writer and character. Cool.

PS I love broccoli. And your posts.

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Secrets can be good. We whisper to our characters, don’t we? Hope your writing is going well. I’ve been thinking we should have a holiday coffee soon. You are on my mind.

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I love this about cutting formerly important lines:

"Those lines were created as scaffolding to build the rest of the story around them, but they no longer need to be there."

Another great word to search for is felt. "I felt really mad" just begs to be rewritten!

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Yes! Felt. Good catch. Makes me want to go back thru this post and see if I did that. Probably did.

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If I had to *really* edit my posts I'd never post anything. Substack is a different thing than books. I try not to obsess over it.

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I love the concept of lines as scaffolding that is no longer needed. And I love this A to Z theme!

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